Housing for college students can be a stressful process. Since housing agreements tend to be shorter, homeowners can be more stressed having to find new tenants often. AkaMy-Rent hopes to provide a framework that allows rental agreements to be more accessible, easier to make, and provides a greater level of assurance to homeowners and tenants. Tenants can benefit by having an assured rental cost that won’t go up as long as their contract is on the ethereum blockchain and homeowners can benefit by using the automated features of a smart contract to ensure payment is on time and in full. The progress of this project is the completion of all web development components from the creation of a smart contract draft to the signed agreement of both the homeowner and tenant. The incompleted parts are the deployment of the smart contract on the blockchain. This project was worked on by a 5-person team.
Given my background of no prior web development experience, this project applied many of the skills learned in class: creating pages, components, and MongoDB collections, modifying collections and displaying collections, limiting visibility to certain user types, and testing the functionality with TestCafe.
Specific functionalities are described below. Bolded statements are my contributions to the project.
The code to the GitHub repository is here.