The UI framework serves to assist people building their own software projects. They can help save time and money. The features in a UI framework, such as programs that support the main design, code libraries, tool sets, application programming interfaces, and compilers, offer a more efficient approach to software development. Additionally, it’s a secure option because the community that uses it helps find bugs, vulnerabilities, and security holes for developers to fix. Managing larger projects is an easier task because teams are using the same framework and the project is cross-browser compatible.
Semantic UI is easier to use and less of a headache than raw HTML and CSS. It is more intuitive than CSS. For example, stating in an image class in the index.html file, “ui float left,” is shorter and easier to do than changing properties in a class or id in style.css with “float: left;”. The difference becomes more obvious when trying to divide text into columns. In CSS, margin, width, float, and padding properties are edited of each column element to create text columns, whereas in Semantic UI, one can create a grid container around the column elements. Semantic UI is an example of a UI framework that helps code become more understandable.