ESLint is a useful tool for any software developer. Although trivial, it is important to abide by coding standards when coding. Coding standards provide uniformity in code written by various developers, improves readability, maintainability, and reduces complexity. Overall, it encourages good programming practices and increases the efficiency of programmers.
ESLint helps programmers learn a new programming language. The corrections it suggests fixes any improper coding practices, but at the same time conditions the programmer into coding with proper coding etiquette for that specific language. One of the best ways to learn anything in general is to learn through mistakes. ESLint does just that, informing the programmer of their mistakes and providing an error code that the programmer can look up for more information. This has helped me immensely with learning about the bad coding practices I currently do, so that I can avoid it in the future. I find that working to obtain the green checkmark is extremely useful in teaching me JavaScript and proper coding conventions.The red underlined text captures my attention and I must fix it before submitting my code to ensure that it meets the proper coding standard and quality. Another useful feature with ESLint is its ability to fix errors when you command it to. I sometimes felt a bit lazy and did not want to fix corrections by typing, so I selected the fix option in ESLint. Overall, ESLint is an extremely helpful learning tool that conditions programmers to code with a standard quality by informing them of their mistakes.